uk lul
- Repeater signal after Crossley before junction signal - under 20mph
- After Swiss Cottage in the single tunnel section A879 Yellow distant - pass at under 20mph to get green signal and repeater
- Marlborough Road A887 45mph section precedes it. Green signal with yellow repeater, pass at under 40mph, then shortly after:
- Just before tunnel A889 Approach under 15mph
- Approach to Baker St MB100 Under 5mph
- Further approach to Baker Street MB4B Under 10mph
- Next approach at Baker Street MB5 Under 10mph
- Draw up signal (in pit) MB140 Under 5mph
- Leaving Baker Street MB125 Under 15mph
- No approach signals at Great Portland Street
- Euston Square approach to end of platform A201 Under 10mph
- Departure from Euston Square OJ130 Under 35mph
- Approach to Kings Cross end of platform OJ24 Under 10mph
- Approach to Farringdon OH20 Green over yellow Under 20mph
- Farringdon draw up at end of platform A225 Under 5mph
- Approach to Barbican end of platform OE48 Under 10mph
- Approach to Moorgate end of platform OE28 Under 20mph
- Approach to Liverpool end of platform A243 Under 20mph
- Departure from Liverpool OB1 Under 10mph
- Approach Aldgate OB2 Near the 15mph board, travel under 10mph
- Draw up at Moorgate OE260 Half way down platform in the pit. Under 5mph
- Approach at Barbican A232 End of platform. Under 10mph
- Approach at Farringdon OH28 End of platform. Under 10mph
- Approach at Kings Cross OJ16 End of platform. Under 10mph
- Departure from Kings Cross OJ40 Under 40mph
- Third signal after Great Portland St approaching Baker St MB34 Green over yellow Under 15mph
- Draw up Baker St MB260 Halfway along platform in pit Under 5mph